The Dos and Don'ts of Moving with Your Dog

18 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Dogs are creatures of habit and can become very attached to their surroundings over time, so packing up and moving to a new place (whether it be across town or across the country) can be quite the traumatic experience for a dog of any age. Fortunately, by taking the right steps from the get-go, you can prepare your dog for an upcoming move and make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

DO Pack Up Gradually

Rather than packing up your things all at once in the days prior to the move, try to make the packing process a little more gradual. After all, dogs are more adaptable to gradual changes than sudden ones, so packing up your belongings and your dog's belongings a little bit at a time is easier on your dog than taking everything away at once. Even once you do have everything packed up, consider leaving a t-shirt or other personal item that smells like you, along with one or two of your dog's favorite toys, unpacked so they can be brought along for the ride.

DO Acclimate Your Dog

Once it's time for the big move, keep your dog in an already-empty room of the house with a sign on the door warning people from your moving company not to open it; try not to move your dog into the new place until most or all of the furniture and boxes are moved in. Then, do your best to acclimate your dog to the new surroundings. Taking your dog on regular walks around the neighborhood is a great way to do so because dogs are very interested in new sights and smells. Getting your dog attuned to those new sights and smells will help it feel at home sooner.

DON'T Forget to Update Tags

Finally, make sure that you update the contact information on your dog's tags as soon as possible. You may also want to check your city's laws regarding dog registration, as you may need to get a license tag to put on its collar and show proof that your dog is up-to-date on its shots. At the time you register your dog in a new city, you will likely need to provide proof that its rabies shots are up-to-date, so be sure to have that on-hand.

Moving with a pet can be a challenge--especially if that pet is a dog. However, by taking the time to prepare and acclimate your dog to its new surroundings, you'll be in great shape. For assistance moving, talk to a moving and storage service.
